Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wupatki Confidential

Wupatki Pueblo National Monument--
a fine example of a 12th century pueblo in Arizona

(Click image to enlarge)

After Sunset Crater, we drove through the park another 18 miles and visited the Wupatki Pueblo National Monument. What makes Wupatki unique among pueblos in this area is the fact that this pueblo has many rooms remaining in the ruins rather than just a single room or one main building.

Pueblo detail and sky
(Click image to enlarge)

This pueblo includes living quarters, grain storage rooms, ceremonial courts, a kiva (prayer room), burial site, and trash room, among others. The Wupatki Pueblo dates back to the 12th century and showcases native life that flourished in an otherwise harsh climate. Enjoy the photos!

Photo copyright: Janet Kincaid, 05/09


marley said...

Its amazing that it has lasted so well for so long. The colour of the sandstone (?) is stunning.

RoeH said...

You went right through Phoenix and didn't stop? Hmmmmm.....:)

Virginia said...

Oh I'm all about these. I taught all this to my 3rd graders. We knew all about kivas!!!! I wish I had hitched a ride.

Janet Kincaid said...

Marley: The fact that this entire pueblo hasn't been hauled off by treasure marauders is nothing shy of amazing. And yes, the sandstone is rather stunning.

Lucy: Actually, we haven't been anywhere near Phoenix on this trip. We took I-40 from Santa Fe to Flagstaff. But, I promise, if we had stopped in Phoenix, you would have been the first person on my list of people to contact. (Outside of my four cousins who live in the Phoenix-Mesa metro area.)

VJ: We were just saying yesterday that we wish you'd been along, too!

NG said...

Ah Wupatki is one of my favorite places... I spent many a day there.

RoeH said...

You'd have been welcome here to sight see. I have an extra bedroom and everything. :)

Cele said...

Oh mi gosh amazing.

Maya said...

Beautiful shots of the ruins! They make it look so peaceful and don't show all the wind we had to endure! But, I keep telling people that Flagtaff is the windy city (and environs)!