Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cathedral Noir

Ascending : Washington National Cathedral

One of my favorite Washington landmarks is Washington National Cathedral. This is my ninth post featuring this magnificent church. On my way home from dinner with my family on Sunday, I zipped up Massachusetts Avenue to Wisconsin Avenue to grab a few pictures in the dark.

Darken the Doorway : Washington National Cathedral

I didn't take too many pictures, though, because it was 32 F/0 C with winds out of the west at 29 mph and a windchill of -7 F. In other words, it was COLD. I'm sure it's undignified or something, but I wish the Cathedral would string lights on their trees and grounds during the holidays. I think that would be lovely.

Colonnade at Night : Washington National Cathedral

To see other pictures of the cathedral, go here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. And now, I need to get out and get busy seeing other stuff. Anyone visiting this blog will get the wrong impression that all we have in Washington, D.C., is the Lincoln Memorial and Washington National Cathedral!

Photo copyright: D.C. Confidential, 12/08


Anonymous said...

The first one is great in B&W - nice and spooky!

Virginia said...

All three are just wonderful but I think I might favor the top one. Pretty brave to be poking around in the dark but I do so love that church and thank you for posting these for me to drool over.

Rob said...

I have not seen the National Cathedral in person. Thank you for these beautiful pics. I must get out there one day and use up 8 gigs of camera memory. I wonder now, are tripods allowed inside the Cathedral?

Wayne said...

The first shot is an excellent view. I like it a lot. It has a European feel to it.

Kris McCracken said...

I beg your forgiveness for my cutting and pasting – yet constantly reworking – this comment, but there was no way on Earth I would be able to make it around the whole globe to wish everybody a Merry Christmas otherwise.

Yes, I am but a mere mortal. The magical elves that constitute my staff have demonstrated their lack of respect in either not showing up for work at all, and those that have all seem a little worse for wear, if you catch my drift. All they seem to do is sit around smoking, playing cards and telling dirty jokes! Consequently, the reindeer are all filthy and out of shape. And you know, the wallabies just don’t cut it as replacements.

Anyway, from myself, Henry and Ezra, have a Merry Christmas/Winter Solstice/Hanukkah/Festivus and a happy New Year!

I hope that all of your holiday photos turn out to be triumphs, your stocking is stuffed full of lots of tasty treats and not coal and that all your pumpkin pies are all as sweet as you like them.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I cam see why it's a favourite. I'm with v, The top one just gets 2st place but these are all knockout.

Maya said...

Beautiful shots. It certainly looks cold in that first shot! I think lights should be strung everywhere. :-)

Bob Crowe said...

I've never made it up to the Nat Cath and I really must. These pictures look like you are skulking around after hours in a place you shouldn't be. They do have sort of a haunted castle feel.

Janet Kincaid said...

Amanda: Thanks!

Virginia: I noticed a number of people poking around the cathedral that evening. It was kinda weird.

Rob: This is a must-see the next time you visit D.C. So is the National Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Add them to your list.

Wayne: The cathedral is Gothic architecture and was built by Italian stonemasons and artisans. That might contribute to its European look and feel.

Kris: Thanks for the Christmas greetings. Happy holidays to you and your family!

Babooshka: Thanks!

Maya: I agree! The more lights, the merrier!

Bob: You haven't seen this in your travels here?! Well, we're fixing that. When you're here in March, we'll go.