Friday, August 22, 2008


Solitary diner

I promise I don't have a culinary theme going on here, but yesterday evening I was out taking pictures near Union Station in preparation for September's City Daily Photo Monthly Theme. I decided to pop into the station itself to snap a few pictures and, when I looked down into the food court, this guy totally jumped out at me and seemed to yell, "Photograph me!" The best part was, he'd chosen a table right under the lights and there was no one else around him.

Happy Friday everyone!

Photo copyright: D.C. Confidential, 08/08


Virginia said...

Good shot. That's keeping those eyes open. Like this one a lot.

marley said...

Excellently spotted. You couldn't have set this up if you'd wanted. Really good :)

Maya said...

This is an awesome shot!

Tash said...

Aw, the poor guy - was my 1st impression - well, 1st I saw the matrix of tables & chairs (a super photo in itself) & then I enlarged & saw the guy is really having a great time, just like in an armchair at home! so now it's really a great shot with a happy guy.

Janet Kincaid said...

VJ: Thanks! I love stumbling across moments like this.

Marley: You're exactly right about that!

Maya: Thanks!

Tash: I thought the same thing, too! At first, he looked a little forlorn and lonely, but as I watched him, I could tell he was totally enjoying the time to read his newspaper and that made me happy!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I love this overview. Excellent shot.